Friday, October 17, 2008

Bringing This Blog Up-to-date!!

I am sorry I have let this blog languish for a month. I have not been goofing off. I have been painting since I posted my last blog entry. But I was getting a little discouraged because I didn't have any feedback and I wasn't comfortable with what I was doing. Then I found an oil painting class. The teacher is Gabe Kreiswirth and he is a fabulous teacher for me. The class is at the Torrance Cultural Arts Center which is about 30 minutes from my house.

First let me show you some of the things I did since my last post and before I started class.

Pears were in season and they are easy to paint.

I have finished two paintings since I started Gabe's class. They are both from real objects, not photographs. The first painting is from a setup in class. The challenge was to paint the glass vase!

Gabe suggested I try something more challenging, like peppers. I started it at home. Here is a photograph of the setup. They are called Stoplight Peppers!

Peppers are more smooth curves here.....and lots of color.....and the plastic covering! I felt a little overwhelmed at first but painting, after all, is just step-by-step. The first step is the underpainting to get the lights and darks in. This was done with a thinned mixture of burnt umber and pthalo blue. I also painted in the background using the same mixture with a lot of white added.

Then I added the colors; the red pepper is cad red medium plus a little cad red, the yellow pepper is cad yellow med with a little cad lemon and the green pepper is cad yellow med and thalo blue.

Now for my next challenge........en plein aire!

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